Doge DiLuzio, LLC is proud to provide “Housing Opportunities for the People of Erie” (HOPE). We are an accepted provider of Section 8 housing for the Housing Authority of the City of Erie. We have several units approved and will work with the city to approve any additional housing for the program.

“We realize that your first steps toward self-sufficiency are important ones and will do what we can to help you achieve your goal.”
Matthew DiLuzio (Proprietor/CEO Doge DiLuzio LLC.)


We are in constant contact with Housing and Urban Development’s Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH). Whenever apartments become available we reach out to the local HUD-VASH coordinator to see if a unit is in need for any veterans in the program.
NOTE: If you are a homeless veteran or a veteran at risk of being homeless pick up the phone and call the number listed or click on the link for more information.


At Doge DiLuzio, LLC we are very grateful to all the men and women who are serving and have served our country. We offer a monthly discount to active duty as well as veteran military personnel. Just show a military ID, your honorable discharge papers or retirement papers (DD 214 short) and we’ll take the following off your rent…
Active Duty -$50/month
Veterans -$25/month


College and university students can obtain shorter term leases upon request. While most landlords will lock you into a full year lease we understand that a student, on occasion, only needs a 9 or 10 month lease. Please note any such request on your application and we will be happy to accommodate.

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