Doge DiLuzio, LLC strives to maintain a green position for their properties by easing the impact each apartment unit has on the environment.

“By reducing each unit’s carbon footprint we are helping to preserve the beauty of this beautiful planet for the generations who follow. Every little bit helps and if each and every one of us do our part, however small it may be, it will all amount to invaluable steps in the right direction.”
Matthew DiLuzio (Proprietor/CEO Doge DiLuzio LLC.)

Here are some of the changes and programs we have begun to implement:


1gpf High Pressure Toilets
Units have begun to have their toilets switched from 2-3gpf toilets to new 1gpf toilets. Not only will these reduce water usage greatly… they will also help you save money on your water bills!




Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)
CFLs have been installed in all common areas. Each bulb offers 10x the lifespan of an incandescent and 1/5th the power usage.
LED Bulbs
With 4x the life of a CFL and an even greater reduction in power usage, as CFLs stop working  and are recycled, we will replace CFL bulbs with LED bulbs.


Ceiling Fans
Whenever we remodel a unit we are installing
ceiling fans. The fans will help save lots of energy throughout the year. By running the fan clockwise at a low setting in the winter they will help circulate the warm air that gathers at the highest point in any room. By moving the heat back down to the living area we are in a sense reusing the air the furnace has already heated. In the summer, spring and fall running the fan in the counter clockwise direction will help the room feel cooler by giving you a gentle breeze. It can allow you to keep that A/C unit off a few more days of the year providing a noticeable impact on electric usage


Blue Recycling Bins
Every apartment comes ready with a blue recycling waste receptacle. Having the bins in each unit is a constant reminder for tenants to recycle.
“We find it is easier for tenants. They are more willing to participate in recycling when they are given a means to do it.”
Matthew DiLuzio (Proprietor/CEO Doge DiLuzio LLC.)

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